A New Beginning

 A couple of years ago, I had a blog such as this, and posted quite a few things, reading Genesis from the beginning.  Due to circumstances at the time, I wound up deleting it all.  Which I kind of regret now...  But it was probably too ambitious anyway for the amount of time I can spend on this.  So I am now going to try again.  

This will use the Septuagint (Greek Old Testament), the Greek New Testament, The Vulgate (Latin Old Testament) and the Latin New Testament.  It will be a way to learn, review, and practice Koine Greek and Latin, as well as a Bible study.  

I expect it will be a bit random, but hopefully the Spirit will guide me!  No promises as to regularity - I always bite off more than I can chew...  But I hope it will be useful and fun, and I invite your comments and contributions.  I think I'll be going by themes rather than trying to read straight through the Bible this time.

I am a Roman Catholic and that will be apparent from some of my thoughts here.  Everyone is welcome, of course, but let's try not to argue.  We can disagree, and that's OK.  But let's all play nice.

There won't be enough here to learn these languages, but might be enough to learn a few things and get a little familiar with them.  I may not do Greek and Latin every post.  Time will tell...

Anyway, just by way of a first post, here are some useful links:

The Greek Alphabet - note that Greek pronunciation differs from traditional scholars' pronunciation...

The Unbound Bible - a great source of the Bible in many languages, including these.

Koine Greek Dictionary

Institute of Biblical Greek - a bunch of resources 

Latin Dictionary

The Vulgate with English Translation 

There are LOTS of websites out there.  This one, Koine-Greek.com, looks good too.  I'll share things as I use them and find them too (wish I still had my old ones!).


  1. Here's a Greek lexical parser on unbound bible: http://unbound.biola.edu/index.cfm?method=greekSearch.showSearchForm


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