
Showing posts from January, 2024

Luke 2:14 - is the Vulgate incorrect?

Ever wonder why there are such different translations of this verse?   Glory to God in the highest, and on Earth peace -  good will to men (King James and others) to men of good will (Douay-Rheims etc.) to those on whom God's favor rests (very interpretive, if you ask me!) (New International Version and others similar) (et cetera!:   Luke 2:14 - Bible Gateway ) !!!  What???  How can they be so different?  Let's just go back to the original version, right?  But there is no ONE original version, there are many, and sometimes they don't agree. Believe it or not, it all comes down to a single letter (sigma).   εὐδοκία is good will (good pleasure, good desire, honest intentions (per Hickie)),   εὐδοκία ς is 'of good will'! (Want to dig into the word more?  Try here:   Concordancia Griego de Strong: 2107. εὐδοκία (eudokia) -- voluntad, agradó, afecto, buena voluntad. ( ) δ όξα ἐν ὑψίστοις θεῷ,  ...